Closing the Gender Wealth Gap Forum Recap: It’s Time to Talk about Taxes and the Gender Wealth Gap

While the U.S. income tax system is progressive overall, many aspects of the tax code reward wealth-building for the already wealthy and excludes low- and moderate-income families. How do our current tax provisions not only exacerbate economic inequality but also amplify gender and racial disparities? Who is currently benefiting the most from our current tax system and who is being most harmed by our current tax system? What are some common narratives we hear that help uphold and justify our current tax system and who is telling them?

It’s time to talk about what we can do to advance gender and racial equity through a more equitable tax code. See below for a full recording of our March Closing the Gender Wealth Gap Forum: “It’s Time to Talk about Taxes and the Gender Wealth Gap.”

Moderated by:
Allison Acevedo, Esq. – Philanthropy Director, NBME

Panelists Include:
Meg Fosque – Program Officer, Economic Policy Investments and Grantmaking, The Rockefeller Foundation
LaTanya Mobley – Lived Experience Expert
Dr. Nikia Owens PhD, MSW – CEO, Campaign For Working Families (CWF)


Ready to take action? For actionable items, learning tools, and more check out this resource document!

See below for a full recording of the event.