Igniting Change Through Love and Storytelling: The WOMEN’S WAY Fellowship Journey
By: Jos Duncan Asé, Executive Producer & Publisher at Love Now Media
“Love Now Media has facilitated dozens of love storytelling workshops, partnering with universities, corporations, and community centers. Still, the WOMEN’S WAY Fellowship stood out. The selection process for the Fellowship involved a comprehensive review of applications and an emphasis on lived experiences that could potentially inspire policy change. This brought together a unique cohort of nine extraordinary women and non-binary people, whose journeys and spirits amazed and inspired me.
The Fellows’ stories reflected a spectrum of experiences and dreams, each with its profound beauty and power. All Community College of Philadelphia students (thanks to a partnership with CCP’S Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center) were also mothers, artists, people who had been in foster care, trans women, sex workers, and women who had endured childhood abuse. Listening to their stories, their dreams, and their hope for a future was not just a privilege, but a profound lesson in resilience and courage.”
Click here to read the full reflection on Love Now Media’s website.