Drexel University Center for Hunger-Free Community network members attended the WOMEN’S WAY Inaugural Gender Wealth Summit. Following the event, they shared their reflections and takeaways:
Network members Alisha Gillespie, Waltrina Blake, and Leona Brown, as well as Network Associate Director Alie Huxta attended Women’s Way’s inaugural Gender Wealth Summit on Friday, September 16. The summit brought together participants for a day of learning, sharing, and imagining new possibilities and focused on ways to influence and reduce the gender wealth gap. This year’s summit focused on three drivers to addressing gender inequity: entrepreneurship, financial education, and reproductive justice. The summit offered members an opportunity to network and connect with other women who share similar passions.
“This was a very awesome and informative event,” said Blake. “I was glad to be amongst other women who were unafraid to share their thoughts of their feelings and the passion for what they had set in life to do. It was great seeing young people as well and hearing their intake on the topics shared.”
Read the full reflection here!