WOMEN’S WAY is thrilled to give the latest Immediate Response Action Fund grant to Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN). This $10,000 grant award will help them to protect access to healthcare for women and families in SE Pennsylvania and encourage women to enroll in coverage before the deadline.
From Antoinette Kraus, Director: “Access to healthcare is under attack at both the state and federal level as lawmakers continue to pursue efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act and weaken Medicaid. These attacks on healthcare will disproportionately impact women. We are excited to be part of Women’s Way Immediate Response Action Fund, which will enable us to tell the story of the crucial role programs like Medicaid play in the lives of women in our region. By telling this story, we will dispel negative stereotypes about programs like Medicaid & the ACA, build support for preserving them, and ensure women understand the importance of enrolling in and maintaining health coverage. To share your story you can go to http://www.insurepa.org/share-your-story.”