About the fund
On April 20, 2020 WOMEN'S WAY launched the Rapid Response General Operating Fund in response to COVID-19. In three weeks, we raised and distributed $135,000 to 12 organizations, 10 of which are led by women of color. The fund is now closed and we are no longer accepting applications. Read below for the criteria that we used and the goals of the Fund.
COVID-19 has challenged the non-profit community in an unprecedented way. As a result, we created the Rapid Response General Operating Fund to quickly distribute unrestricted funds to organizations serving women, girls, and/or the trans/gender nonconforming community. The grant application and evaluation processes allow WOMEN’S WAY to assess urgent needs more thoroughly and quickly, and determine how to respond most effectively.
This fund was made possible by the generous support of the following major donors:
Our Grantees
Alianzas de Phoenixville | Sankofa Healing Studio| Kiths Integrated and Targeted Human Services| Home of the Sparrow| Women In Dialogue | Women's Medical Fund | Grant BLVD | National Giving Alliance | The Potter's House Mission | S.M.A.R.T | ACHIEVEability | Domestic Violence Center of Chester County |
To read the report and learn more about these organizations as well as the needs they are addressing, click here.
Our Process
The Fund provided up to $20,000 / year for two years. Applications were accepted on a rolling basis and decisions were made within 10 business days.
Priority was given to organizations that:
- were led by women of color
- had budgets of less than $500,000
- were serving communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 (including but not limited to: low-income / low wage workers, formerly incarcerated, immigrants and refugees, people experiencing intimate partner violence)
QUESTIONS: Please contact Jessica Muslin at (215) 985-3322, ext 226 or jmuslin@womensway.org.