Taking action now
2025 Rapid Response General Operating Fund

2025 Rapid Response General Operating Fund


About the Fund – Coming Soon!

The 2025 Rapid Response General Operating Fund (2025 RRGOF) is a pooled fund that will quickly distribute funds to organizations impacted by our current socio-political landscape.


Once launched, grantees will receive up to $10,000 of general operating support. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and decisions will be made within 10 business days of receiving a complete application.


Priority will be given to organizations serving communities disproportionately impacted by our current socio-political landscape (including, but not limited to, immigrants and refugees, LGBTQIA+ community, and those seeking reproductive healthcare), and/or organizations anticipating a significant decrease in funding.


Our goal is to raise $300,000 by May 1, 2025, and launch the Fund in early June 2025. WOMEN’S WAY has committed $100,000 to the Fund. Read below to see how YOU can get involved!


Since 2017, WOMEN’S WAY has had a strong track record of rapid response funding, launching the Immediate Response Action Fund (IRAF) to support partners navigating urgent socio-political challenges. IRAF provides emergency funding to organizations primarily serving women, girls, and the gender-expansive community. Our streamlined process ensures grant decisions within 10 business days—no other foundation in the region responds this quickly. Since its inception, IRAF has awarded over $600,000 to 65 organizations, impacting more than 200,000 women, girls, and gender-expansive individuals.


In response to COVID-19, WOMEN’S WAY launched the Rapid Response General Operating Fund, providing two-year grants of up to $20,000 per year to organizations serving disproportionately impacted communities, such as low-wage workers, formerly incarcerated individuals, immigrants and refugees, and survivors of intimate partner violence. The first year of funding addressed immediate needs; the second year focused on economic stability.


Within six weeks, we distributed $135,000 to 12 organizations—10 of which were led by women of color, and 8 with budgets under $500,000. Click here for a RRGOF Report.

Help Build the Fund


Together we can make a difference. Whether you represent a foundation or are an individual looking to take action, we need you!



Help us spread the word – share this initiative with your network.


Know funders or corporate partners aligned with this work? Introduce us!

QUESTIONS? Please contact Diane Cornman-Levy, Chief Disruptor, at dcornmanlevy@womensway.org if you are interested in investing in the 2025 Rapid Response General Operating Fund.