The Women’s Economic Security Initiative (WESI) is a long-term, systems-level collaborative initiative centered around the shared vision that all women in the Philadelphia region attain financial well-being for themselves and their families. WOMEN’S WAY and our partners understand that poverty is a determinant of poor health outcomes, low educational attainment, unstable housing and other adverse outcomes that are destructive to Philadelphia families and prevent our city from achieving true economic vitality.
With the understanding that no one sector or organization alone can solve this deep-rooted issue, WESI brings together government, nonprofits, philanthropy, business, and women with the lived experience of economic insecurity around a common agenda and aligned activities. Using the collective impact framework, our network…
- Identifies and works to fill critical systemic gaps,
- enhances the coordination and capacity of organizations doing promising work, and
- builds a community committed to data-driven learning.
As the backbone of this effort, WOMEN’S WAY guides vision and strategy, supports aligned activities, builds public will, and mobilizes funding.

Please note: The Women's Economic Security Initiative is not a traditional grantmaking program and therefore we do not accept grant applications.
For more information about the Women’s Economic Security Initiative or to get involved, please contact Camille Nickow
(215) 985 – 3322 ext. 227