Recap: “Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa” Screening and Discussion about Anti-Abortion Clinics

On January 24th 2023, WOMEN’S WAY and the Young Women’s Initiative joined forces with grantee partner, the Abortion Liberation Fund of PA (ALF), for a special joint event.

During this event, the short documentary, “Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa” was shown followed by a discussion and Q&A with the Director of Client Services at ALF. ALF’s Executive Director then presented an information session about Anti-Abortion Centers (also known as Crisis Pregnancy Centers).

This is a must-watch for anyone who is committed to better understanding abortion access in the United States and propelling the fight for reproductive justice forward!

NOTE: The below recording is abridged and only contains the Q&A portion and presentation of this event. You can visit to learn more about the documentary, “Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa.”

Abortion Liberation Fund:

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