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Closing the Gender Wealth Gap

Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Virtual Education Series

Learn, Act, Ignite Change



 The gender wealth gap is real and affects a woman’s ability to invest income into her children and her own future. Wages are part of building wealth, which is the foundation of financial health. Without wealth, financial shocks, such as illness, unemployment and other emergencies can destroy a woman’s economic security. The consequences of not making ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, endanger a woman and her family’s basic human rights: secure shelter, healthy food choices, quality education.


Assets provide a woman with:

            -Financial stability through emergencies

            -Housing security

           -More choices for improving the lives of children

           -Security to take risks that can lead to better jobs or starting a business

           -Pursuit of higher education

           -Prevention and better health outcomes

           -Saving for full retirement

           -Passing security to future generations

           -Opportunities to participate in, and shape, political and social agendas


The gender wealth gap has numerous cases that prevent wealth and savings, including

          -Women earn less than men

          -Women are more likely to be denied mortgages or be overcharged for them

          -Women are more vulnerable to predatory lending

          -Women hold more debt including 2/3rds of all student debt

          -Women provide the majority of unpaid caregiving

-Women of color have the least amount of wealth because they suffer both the gender and racial

wealth gap



 In fall of 2017, WOMEN’S WAY launched the Women’s Economic Security Initiative (WESI), a long-term, systems-level collaborative initiative centered around the shared vision that all women in the Greater Philadelphia region attain financial well-being for themselves and their families. In January 2021, WESI will be transitioning to The Gender and Wealth Institute (GWI) whose purpose is to close the gender wealth gap in the Greater Philadelphia region by advancing research and practical solutions that build wealth for women who are economically insecure.


As part of our year-long launch, GWI will be conducting a series of education forums to educate different stakeholders on both the key drivers of the gender wealth gap and accelerators that help close the gender wealth gap in our region. Each session will include a facilitated discussion among three topic experts – one will address the topic from a policy perspective, one with address the topic from a practitioner perspective, and one will address the topic from a lived experience perspective. Each session will include a call to action specific to the topic issue.

We would like to thank our sponsors GlenmedePermit Capital, Penn Medicine, Cindy Wollman/Berkshire and Hathaway.



Upcoming Events


Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Equity in Grantmaking: September 23, 2021 at 4PM EST


Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Intersections of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Economic Security:  OCTOBER 2021


Closing the Gender Wealth Gap Summit: DECEMBER 2021

Previous Events

Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Improving Access to Affordable Housing : APRIL 28, 2021


Moderated by:

Anne Fadullon, Director of Planning & Development, City of Philadelphia



Maria Gonzales: President, Hispanic Association Contractors Enterprises

Nora Lichtash: Executive Director, Women’s Community Revitalization Project

Rasheeda Phillips: Managing Attorney of Housing Policy, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia

Staci Moore: Board Chair, Women’s Community Revitalization Project


This event was sponsored by Cindy Wollman of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services.


Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Black Women and Health Care: February 17, 2o21


Moderated by

Dr. Sarita Sonalkar, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania



Marianne A. Fray, MBA, CAE, IOM Chief Executive Officer with Maternity Care Coalition (MCC)

Dr. Jennifer Prah Ruger Founder/Director of Health Equity and Policy Lab (HEPL)

Dr. Jade Shorter Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford University

Felicia Harris Principal of HiTouch Enterprises


Sponsored by Permit Capital, Penn Medicine, and the Philadelphia Commission for Women


Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Investing in Women-Owned Businesses: JANUARY 6, 2021


Moderated by:

Geri Aglipay, Director, Midwest Region and Greater Chicago; National Women’s
Entrepreneurship Director, Small Business Majority



Tanya T. Morris- Founder& CEO, Mom Your Business

Essma Bengabsia- Senior Associate, Sustainable & Impact Investing, Glenmede

Kimberly McGlonn- CEO & Founder, Grant Blvd

Kersy Azocar- Sr. Vice President Microlending: FINANTA Community First Fund




Closing the Gender Wealth Gap: Strengthening the Child Care sector: October 14, 2020



Shannon Rudisill, Executive Director, Early Childhood Funders Collaborative

Carol Austin, Executive Director, First Up

Sophia Ezomoghene, Early Childhood Literacy Specialist, Free Library of Philadelphia